Friday, October 17, 2008

Begin again

This is my second blog. And since I don't really blog all that often, why would I possibly need a second blog? One reason - anonymity. I began my first blog as a private blog to document life and help me sort through and process things. In an effort to be transparent, I opened up my blog to others which then resulted in people I know having access to my blog. The result was really the death of my blog. I don't really feel like I can be honest and transparent anymore. Part of the problem is that I don't take the time to blog regularly. So when I am moved to blog it is usually because I need to process things and of course the only things that need to be processed are those that are negative or stressful. The good things never need processing, just documenting! So I feared that my other blog (which was being read by people I knew) was becoming too negative and since I have friends (who read my blog) whose blogs are nothing but songs and praises about life and motherhood, I felt like I could no longer blog honestly. And I see no point in blogging anything that's not completely honest. So here I am beginning anew. I don't intend to be negative. My intentions are to blog about all kinds of things that happen in life but this is my place to document all of it - the good and the bad.

Update: I just learned you can back-date posts! Woo hoo! I intend to pull my older blog posts over here but it will take some time - probably one at a time.



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