Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Surprise news

I'm pregnant! I can't believe it. It's a bit of a shock. On the one hand, I don't really believe it. On the other hand, I'm thinking of all the things I need to do before the first trimester FATIGUE hits! Can you even be fatigued when you already have two kids? How does that work? Do they let you?

I've been wanting to document (at least write down somewhere) the birth stories of my kids before the details get foggy as time passes. It's always been something I thought I'd get around to doing but hadn't yet. Even now, I feel like I might need to rely on my husband's memory for some of the details. So, I thought I would take a few moments now to document the "finding out" stories for each of my kids:

ME (3.75) - It took us a full year to get pregnant with ME (3.75). We bought our house in June 2004. In July, Hubby was doing his ER rotation so he was working different shifts and was able to have a few days off. At the end of those days off, we decided to get a dog. We always knew we wanted one and now that we owned our own home, we could do it! On our anniversary, we went to the animal shelter and looked at the dogs. There was a very cute 12 week old puppy there that we were very interested in. There were already two other people interested in him but we were added to the "waiting list" (both people needed to get approval from their landlord first). So we left and went back home. (I know this story is supposed to be about my son, not my dog, but the two are related - the stories I mean, not the boy and the dog!) Also that day, I took a pregnancy test. I was only one day late but I thought I would take it anyway. I decided to take it right AFTER I had used the bathroom so instead of just waiting until I needed to go again, I drank tons and tons of liquid so that I could go. So I took the test. And although there was a very, very faint line, it was so incredibly faint that I didn't think it was positive. We went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary and received a message from the SPCA that the dog was available after all and we could come in the next day. Later that night, I was reading the instructions of the pregnancy test (it's always a good idea to read them afterward!) and I realized that I had done it all wrong. Morning is the best time to take it (although it doesn't have to be) and you shouldn't drink an excessive amount beforehand like I did! I also learned that any sign of a second line is a positive test! I didn't want to get my hopes up (I had had other negative tests before this), but I did want to take another test! We went to the grocery store the next day and decided to go home and test again before going to the SPCA - we just couldn't wait. This time the second line was clearly there! I was pregnant! We were going to have a baby! It seemed unreal and I wasn't really sure what to think. The truth was that although I always envisioned myself having children, it was really more theoretical than a deep longing. I wasn't one of those women who desperately wanted to have a baby. I just pictured Hubby and I with a family someday. So it was both exciting and sobering? daunting? grounding? (not sure what the best word is) to finally be pregnant!

MG (8.5 mos) - It took us ten months to get pregnant with MG (8.5). With her, we fluctuated between "not preventing" and actually "trying" and it was emotionally tumultuous. A friend of mine, who started trying after we did, got pregnant before me. That was crushing. I remember trying to note symptoms every month but realizing that the early signs of pregnancy could also be premenstrual symptoms. Because I typically had shorter cycles at that time, I think it was the morning of Day 28 that I tested. I didn't necessarily think that I was pregnant, but since it was Day 28 and I decided to take a pregnancy test. The only kind I had was from the dollar store. It was positive, but I doubted it simply because the test only cost me a dollar! Hubby had already left for work and was in conference but I called his cell anyway. I told him about the test, but I also told him it was a dollar store test. I remember him whispering into the phone "You're pregnant!" Later that day, I went to the grocery store and bought an expensive pregnancy test just to find out that I really was pregnant! I took a picture of the positive test and emailed it to Matt with a subject line that said: Open this in private. (How suggestive is that?)

Baby #3 ( 4 weeks prego) - We were kind of on the fence about whether or not we were going to have a third child. We did say, however, that if we were going to have a third child, we wouldn't even consider getting pregnant until January so that I wasn't close to delivering at the time of our move in June. Since we hadn't made that decision, we were preventing. Mostly. And its that "mostly" that has resulted in Baby #3! "Mostly" was really just once, but obviously I knew there was a chance I could be pregnant. So last night this was my brief conversation with Hubby about it:
Hubby: So I guess you're not pregnant.
Me: How do you know?
Hubby: You said you'd test in two weeks.
Me: Well, I'll test if I'm late. (And I didn't think that was until this coming weekend).
So today I was thinking about it and decided to actually check the calendar and realized that I was already at Day 30. Now, it's not unusual for me to have a 30 day cycle so I didn't necessarily think that I was definitely pregnant but since there was a "mostly," I knew it was a possibility. Hubby was able to come home early today so I went to the grocery store for a number of things, including a pregnancy test. I came home and we had dinner before needing to go out to church tonight. Hubby just kept saying, "You're not pregnant. You're not pregnant." So I said, "Well, do you want to confirm that before we leave or after we get home." I took the test then and right after I laid it down, Hubby picked it up. I started to tell him to put it back down and he said, "Goober!" and showed me the positive test! We were so shocked we were laughing. ME (3.75) wanted to know what we were laughing at, but we couldn't tell him. So, it looks like we're having another baby! I'm due the end of September!

One of the funny things about this is that MG (8.5 mos) has been slowly weaning herself. I wouldn't mind being done with nursing but I didn't want to wean her completely because I wasn't sure if we were going to have any more children. I didn't mind being done if I knew I would one day nurse another baby! Well, looks like I'll be nursing again someday! I still don't think I'll fully wean her yet though just in case something happens.
I also have a funny story that relates to this pregnancy, living in a small town, and my favorite cashier at the grocery store but I'll have to write that one another day. It's getting late.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lesson learned today....

If I want to get any sort of valuable workout, I must be ready to go before MG (6 mos) wakes up. Wake time is only so long (now about 2 hours) but if I need to get myself ready, drive to the gym, and get the kids settled in the nursery (and vote today! My voting location is the community center), that leaves very little time for the actual workout. MG (6 mos) was happy in the nursery but I knew that even though she was tired, she wouldn't fall asleep there (or take a good nap if she did) and she wouldn't nap as well if she was overtired when I finally got her down for her nap. So I voted and used the treadmill for 25 minutes. Hey, some is better than none! I'm glad I didn't do too much though. My body is aching from yesterday's workout! My MIL will be here tomorrow so I can go without the kiddos.

I never thought the day would come when I could drop ME (3.5) off somewhere wearing underwear and not have to come back in 30-60 minutes to take him to the potty or worry about him having an accident. It's wonderful! He's come so far. I still bring a change of clothes for him but I haven't had to use them! It was a tough journey (more so for me than for him) but we made it! I had reserved two weeks out of our schedule in June to do potty training bootcamp and in reality it took more like four months. But in retrospect, what's four months?? It's done and I'm so proud of him! I just wish I had known in the beginning that although it would take a lot longer than I thought, we would see success. And yes, people did tell me that and I did read things like that ("I've never seen a kid go to kindergarten in a diaper!"), but I just didn't believe it would be true for us. And now, I will join the ranks of mothers who's only piece of advice for potty-training mothers is to just keep going and eventually he'll get it.

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Teeth and weight loss

MG (6 mos)'s getting her first tooth! I've suspected that she was teething for a while but that's always my explanation when I can't figure out why she's fussy/not eating well/not napping well whether it's true or not. Well, it's true now! I can see and feel a little tooth breaking through! I'm so exited! I'm not exactly sure why I'm so excited but I was thrilled to see it! I almost text paged my husband with the news but he's in the OR today and I'm not sure I want one of the nurses reading out loud a text page that says "MG has a tooth!" Although they might find it cute. This certainly solidifies my feelings about her getting to be an old baby!

I had an appointment this morning with one of the trainers at the gym. I can't really afford to meet with him very regularly so I haven't met with him since I first joined (maybe two months ago or so?). I've been losing motivation so I knew I needed to schedule an appointment with him. I went this morning and oh my goodness, it was a workout! It was motivating though! Right now, I really only have it worked into my schedule to go once a week when my MIL is here to watch the kids. My philosophy is that some is better than none although I do think I'd like to work in one or two more times during the week. A least once more Monday through Friday and then once during any weekend that Hubby's off. I currently weigh fifteen pounds less than I did when I got pregnant with MG (6 mos) and exactly what I weighed when I got pregnant with ME (3.5). So that's good news, but since I put on some weight after I got married, I'd like to lose another fourteen pounds. Ideally, I'd like to do it before we move in June. I'd like to be "skinny" when we relocate. Well, skinnier anyway!

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Gone hiking

We've survived the day! (So far anyway!) As usual, ME (3.5) came into my room this morning a little after 7:00. We usually cuddle for a little while. Well this morning, we cuddled and both fell back to sleep. That's never happened before! Usually ME (3.5)'s up and ready to start his day! MG (6 mos) woke up at 8:00 but since ME (3.5) was still asleep (!!!!), I just fed her, put her back to bed, and went back to bed myself! ME (3.5) and I didn't wake up again until 9:30 and MG (3.5) didn't wake up until 10:30! So I was able to sleep in today! I haven't slept in that late in a really long time. It was wonderful! Miraculous even!

ME (3.5) and I had a good day together. We worked on a puzzle together and tried a science experiment that didn't work. MG (6 mos) ate well and took great naps! It even worked out that all three of us could go for a hike together his afternoon. It was a little spur of the moment (as spur of the moment as you can get with two littles) so I wasn't as prepared as I could have been (no snack, no hat for MG, etc.) but we had so much fun! MG (6 mos) loved it. She was in the Snugli front carrier the whole time and ME (3.5) really enjoyed it too. He got tuckered out at the end of it (we walked for a while!) but he persevered and had a good attitude. Even with no nap today! Since he slept in so late I decided he could probably make it without a nap. I told him after dinner tonight he could have a movie night. I was expecting him to fall asleep during the movie but so far he's still awake. Anyway, back to the walk. It was really fun to be outdoors with my boy and just spend time together without feeling like there was something else I should be doing. When we're home, I have a hard time JUST spending time with HIM. I always feel like I need to be doing the other zillion and one things I have to do as a wife, homemaker, and mother. So, it was good for the both of us to go out today. Just before we left, his behavior (as well as my patience) was beginning to go downhill so our little hike rejuvenated both of us. I'd love to be able to do more fun things like that with him.

MG (6 mos) has successfully completed her three days of peas. She loved them! I'm really glad I waited as long as I did to start solid foods. I think she's taken to them quicker than ME (3.5) did. Tomorrow we begin green beans! Yummo!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Staying home, going crazy, and done working

Today's been tough. I am a homebody. I could stay home for a week, maybe more, and be quite content. I would still have contact with people of course, I couldn't be a loner, but I would be home and happy. My son, however, is not like me. He can only handle so many days of being home before his energy level explodes and his behavior deteriorates. He has reached that point! Since Hubby and I were up so late on Sunday night we decided not to go to our Bible study on Monday night. Tuesday morning, the kids and I all slept in (which was a terrific surprise!) and we ended up missing Women's Bible study at church. Tuesday night football was cancelled and there was no AWANA on Wednesday night for some reason. We didn't have any plans on Thursday and Hubby came home from work after the kiddos were down for bed. I have enjoyed being home a lot more this week and it was a wonderful treat to have time at home with my husband three nights in a row. But ME (3.5) is going stir crazy. And it's driving me crazy. He needs to go out and he needs to play. I was considering taking him out somewhere tonight (we don't do Halloween) but my car was at the mechanic's and he wasn't able to bring it back until close to bathtime/bedtime. So maybe tomorrow. There's nothing on the agenda tomorrow but I better find something to do or we might not survive the day!

On a happier note, I was finally able to turn in a report for work that has been hanging over my head and causing me some stress. It felt so good to turn it in yesterday and be done with it! I told Hubby that I felt like I now have all the time in the world to do so many other things but that's not really true. It's not like it was taking up a lot of my time. I wasn't working on it nearly as much as I should have been. But now, my mental energies are freed up from the stress of it and I feel like I can now use my afternoons (nap time) to do other things without feeling guilty for not working! (Big sigh) It feels so good! As much as I love taking on new reports, I don't get them finished before the love and excitement fade so they drag on. I think I'm done with the lengthy reports. I've always struggled with being disciplined enough to work from home but it's gotten even harder now so I just don't think I can do it. My supervisor is on maternity leave but when she comes back I think I need to talk with her about just editing reports rather than writing them myself. If she's up for that, I could conceivably keep my job even though we'll be leaving the area in a few months. Editting does not take much time and I enjoy doing it so hopefully that will work out. I really wouldn't be upset though if it doesn't work. It's been nice to have a job where I can work from home, but my main "job" is mommy and that comes first.

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A rare politcal post from me that's not really mine

I don't write much (if at all) about politics. I am still following this election a little bit, but my mind is made up. I am somewhat tired of election stuff and if I get too much into it, it just makes me scared for the future of this country. At this point, I do not read too much election material. Instead, when I come across it, I simply use that as a reminder to PRAY! I did recently come across this post however, and I thought it was worth linking to because it so accurately reflects my own thoughts!


Monday, October 27, 2008

Blogging and old babies

Even though I had my old blog for quite a while, I feel like a newbie when it comes to blogging on here. I struggled to blog over there because I always second guessed whether or not my readers would even care to know what I did with my day. (The funny thing though is that one of my favorite blogs to read is one where the author documents just about every aspect of her day every day.) So I wouldn't blog if I didn't think it was worthy of my blog and that resulted in not meeting one of my goals for blogging - documenting the realities of my days.

MG (6 mos) had her six month check up today. Her pediatrician is this older grandfatherly gentleman who is great but so incredibly laid back about everything. On the one hand that's good but on the other hand, sometimes it would be nice to be given a but more specific instruction about things. Like for example, feeding solid foods to babies. I remember a little bit about what I did for ME (3.5), but not specifically. Last night, which was the first night I started her on rice cereal, I googled all kinds of info about what food babies could eat at what ages. Truthfully, a lot of it probably really doesn't matter anyway. Her doctor's only concern when it comes to feeding babies is that they not get anything that could be a choking hazard. Anything else is up to me I guess. So, since I prefer a little more guidance and direction, I will probably refer to my google search material and use that to decide what foods she gets when.

I can't believe my baby girl is already six months old. I was away for the weekend with a few friends for a quilting weekend. (MG (6 mos) was with me of course but ME (3.5) was at his granparents' house because Hubby was at a conference.) I had decided to wait until she was six months to start her on solids. She turned six months while we were away so I figured I'd do it soon after we got back. Based on my research, I really didn't think she needed to begin solid foods before this and selfishly I really didn't look forward to doing it because I already feel like I have too many things to do in a day. I'm behind on what feels like 1,001 things and I knew that entering the world of solid foods would only detract from the little time I do have to get to those 1,001 things. Don't get me wrong, I knew I would do it when she needed me to but I didn't think she needed it before now and I was certainly not wanting to rush anything along. However, when I got home last night, I was really excited about the idea of feeding her cereal and seeing what she did with it. She did so well! I think the fact that we waited as long as we did helped a lot. With ME (3.5) I started rice cereal and then stopped for a few weeks because he was just spitting it out. Two weeks later we started again and he got the hang of it. Anyway, she ate more than I thought she would and afterwards, I cleaned her up a bit and put her in her exersaucer. At one point I looked at her and I just couldn't believe it - all of a sudden she was an old baby. I know, I know - she's still young and she's still a baby but now my baby is eating solid foods and playing independently in an exersaucer. Not to mention the fact that she's also begun sitting up in the past week. She's so OLD! How did it happen? I'm enjoying her babyhood so much. It's exciting to see her personality emerge and it makes me excited to see who she'll become in the future. But on the other hand, I could just keep her like this forever! I've heard some people say that when they were done having kids they just "knew it." But I can't imagine the day when I wouldn't want a baby in my home. Maybe it will happen eventually but I just can't imagine it.

Hubby's across the street at our neighbor's house watching the world series with some coworkers. We were up really late last night and I'm tired! I intended to go to bed early, curl up with a book, and actually read for a while. (Can't say when I last did that! Reading these days is at most a magazine article or a page or two at a time of whatever book I keep in the bathroom!) But here I am at the computer and I keep having to tend to my boy who was put to bed an hour and a half ago! It's a good thing he has an early bedtime! Alright, I'm off to go read. Eventually.

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