Lesson learned today....
If I want to get any sort of valuable workout, I must be ready to go before MG (6 mos) wakes up. Wake time is only so long (now about 2 hours) but if I need to get myself ready, drive to the gym, and get the kids settled in the nursery (and vote today! My voting location is the community center), that leaves very little time for the actual workout. MG (6 mos) was happy in the nursery but I knew that even though she was tired, she wouldn't fall asleep there (or take a good nap if she did) and she wouldn't nap as well if she was overtired when I finally got her down for her nap. So I voted and used the treadmill for 25 minutes. Hey, some is better than none! I'm glad I didn't do too much though. My body is aching from yesterday's workout! My MIL will be here tomorrow so I can go without the kiddos.
I never thought the day would come when I could drop ME (3.5) off somewhere wearing underwear and not have to come back in 30-60 minutes to take him to the potty or worry about him having an accident. It's wonderful! He's come so far. I still bring a change of clothes for him but I haven't had to use them! It was a tough journey (more so for me than for him) but we made it! I had reserved two weeks out of our schedule in June to do potty training bootcamp and in reality it took more like four months. But in retrospect, what's four months?? It's done and I'm so proud of him! I just wish I had known in the beginning that although it would take a lot longer than I thought, we would see success. And yes, people did tell me that and I did read things like that ("I've never seen a kid go to kindergarten in a diaper!"), but I just didn't believe it would be true for us. And now, I will join the ranks of mothers who's only piece of advice for potty-training mothers is to just keep going and eventually he'll get it.
Labels: ME, MG, potty training, time management, weight loss
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